<appview> Tag

Description: Use the appview tag to embed other Chrome Apps within your Chrome App. (see Usage).
Availability: Since Chrome 43.
Permissions: "appview"


Use the appview tag to embed other Chrome Apps within your Chrome App.

The appview runs in a separate process from your app, it doesn't inherit the same permissions and is only allowed to interact with your app through asynchronous APIs. Not all apps can be embedded; apps have to explicitly allow themselves to be embedded.

Preparing your app to be embedded

To allow your app to be embedded into another app, you need to add a listener to your app's background page:

      chrome.app.runtime.onEmbedRequested.addListener(function(request) {
        // Allows the embedder to embed foo.html.

Embedding another app

To embed another Chrome App in your app, add the appview tag to your app's embedder page (this is the app page that will display the embedded app) and use the connect API to request the embedding of the other app.

      // Creates an <appview> element.
      var appview = document.createElement("appview");
      // Appends the element to the document body.
      // Connects the appview to appToEmbed.
      // appToEmbed is the id of the app you are trying to embed.


connect <appview>.connect(string app, any data, function callback)



string embedderId

The ID of the app that sent the embedding request.

object data

Optional developer specified data that the app to be embedded can use when making an embedding decision.

function allow

Allows the embedding request.

string url

Specifies the content to be embedded.

function deny

Prevents the embedding request.



<appview>.connect(string app, any data, function callback)

Requests another app to be embedded.

string app

The extension id of the app to be embedded.

any (optional) data

Optional developer specified data that the app to be embedded can use when making an embedding decision.

function (optional) callback

An optional function that's called after the embedding request is completed.

If you specify the callback parameter, it should be a function that looks like this:

function(boolean success) {...};
boolean success

True if the embedding request succeded.